TRP Co-Learning Network

a membership program to support your developmental path

In becoming Regenerative Practitioners, we are each charting our own developmental path in order to become effective instruments for bringing regenerative work into the world.

The Regenerative Practitioner Series provides a deep and intensive dive into what is, for many of us, an entirely new way of thinking and being. However, it does not chart our developmental path for us. Doing so requires us to commit to a discipline of consistently and regularly applying the work, over the long term.

Developing this discipline requires both an internal exercise of will and an external system of support in order to continue to develop who we are and how we work in the world as we grow regenerative capacity in the people and places we care about.

We are launching the Regenerative Practitioner Co-Learning Network to provide just such a system of support:

  • Introducing new developmental teachings that stretch us while deepening understanding and applicability of concepts, frameworks and practices introduced in TRP;
  • Encouraging us to step up to new levels of responsibility and accountability to one another as friends in the work, supporting each other in bringing this work into our lives and practices; and
  • Giving us an opportunity to make increasingly meaningful contributions as we collectively regenerate a larger energy field.



Is the Co-Learning Network right for me?

The Co-Learning Network is designed to support those who are committed to their own long-term development as regenerative practitioners–but are experiencing challenges such as:

  • You experience a “gap” or area of healthy stretch between what you aspire towards and what you feel capable of delivering.
  • You want to engage clients, colleagues and collaborators in a regenerative process but are not confident in your ability to be an effective resource to them.
  • You feel a general need to practice this work in order to become more fluid with its application.
  • You are drawn to support and be supported by a community of practitioners who are in this work together.
What membership offers
When you become a member of the Co-Learning Network, you will receive access to eight two-hour interactive videoconference sessions per year, occurring approximately once every six weeks (with longer breaks to accommodate holidays).

All sessions will be recorded and archived permanently for active members. In these sessions you will engage with regenerative practitioners near and far, working with new developmental teachings and revisiting old ones from different perspectives and applied to different situations and purposes.

Sessions include written materials, assignments and exercises that you can use to guide your work as an individual practitioner, as well as a member of a “co-learning team” that we’ll be encouraging you to organize within your natural working community and/or place.

Want more support? Add Fishbowls!

Regenerative Practitioners often benefit extraordinarily from the direct support of a resource further along on the path providing direct resourcing support as they work to apply a regenerative way of thinking or working to a specific challenge or opportunity. Further, we all benefit when we get to watch a team of practitioners work together to “crack the code” of how to create a new entry point into this work.

Practitioners who will find access to this type of support especially valuable are encouraged to purchase an upgraded membership at the Fishbowl level. Fishbowl members will be invited to submit real-work challenges and opportunities as candidates for the “hot seat” in an upcoming session. Our faculty will engage with one or more members around their work, and give session attendees an opportunity to observe, reflect, and ask questions.

We are beginning the Fishbowls with two tracks, which may evolve depending on the needs of our members.

Developmental Engagement – Resourcing and designing processes to bring out new ableness in your clients, teams, community members and stakeholders.

Deepening Into Place – Developing projects and initiatives that more fully express and harmonize with the uniqueness of their place.

Each track will consist of four sessions per year. Fishbowl-level members will be asked to select one of the two tracks.

Schedule & Logistics
2020 Co-Learning sessions will take place on the following dates:

The Americas, Europe and Africa: Wednesdays – March 18, April 29, June 10, July 22, September 9, October 21, Dec 9, Feb 3 (2021)

Australia and New Zealand: Thursdays -March 19, April 30, June 11, July 23, September 10, October 22, Dec 10, Feb 4 (2021)

For each session, a range of scheduled times will be offered to organize members into manageably sized zoom calls while balancing the time zone requirements of our global membership. You will receive a list of available session times with an RSVP link two weeks prior to each session.

Fishbowl sessions will be scheduled on a rolling basis beginning in April.

Pricing & Terms
The cost for network membership is $750 per year. Monthly payment options are available. A one-year commitment is required in order to join. A Fishbowl-level membership is inclusive of a basic network membership, for a total cost of $950 per year.

Members can join anytime. You are welcome to reach out to Shannon with questions, or to request a conversation to determine whether membership is a good fit for you.

Ready to sign up? Select from the options below!



Network Membership

$67 per month

$750 per year

8 sessions per year
One year commitment
Recorded and archived

*All prices in US Dollars

Fishbowl Membership

$85 per month

$950 per year

Inclusive of base membership
4 fishbowls per year
Choose from two tracks

*All prices in US Dollars

All illustrations by Ian Durneen