Regenesis has been publishing extensively about regenerative development for almost three decades. If you’d like to dig deeper into self-study around regenerative development, we recommend the resources below.
Regenerative Development and Design: A Framework for Evolving Sustainability
By Pamela Mang, Ben Haggard and Regenesis
Regenerative Development and Design takes sustainability to the next level, and provides a framework for incorporating regenerative principles into your current process.
In this book, Regenesis Institute faculty members Pamela Mang and Ben Haggard explain what regenerative development is, how and why it works, and how you can incorporate the fundamental principles into your practice.
A clear, focused framework shows you how to merge regenerative concepts with your existing work, backed by numerous examples that guide practical application while illustrating regenerative design and development in action.
Regenerative Development
Video series by Regenesis and Stormcloud Media
In this five-part video series the founders and principals of Regenesis Group (who later organized to form the Regenesis Institute as a sister organization dedicated to education for regenerative practitioners), articulate some of the key principles and concepts behind the Regenesis approach to regenerative development.

Regenerative Development and Design: Its origins, essence, practice and potential as a meta-technology to elevate governance, innovation and planetary health
by Leen Gorissen, Karla Bonaldi, Piet Haerens and Lénia Rato
This study commissioned by the Belgian Federal Public Service for Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment provides an encapsulation of the full breadth and depth of regenerative development as an evolving discipline, including case studies and interviews as well as an important exploration of the Indigenous and land-based cultural roots of regenerative work, a review of current EU policies, and an authoritative glossary.
Beyond these central resources, we’ve also compiled a list of our articles, interviews, videos and lectures that are freely available online.
Why Purpose-Driven Standards and Metrics Hinder Achieving Regenerative Systemic Effects by Beatrice Ungard, 2024.
Investing from A Regenerative Mind: Evolving The Role and Practice of Investment by Sidney Cano and Ben Haggard, 2021.
The Role of Businesses in Regenerating Local Economies: Catalyzing a Business Stakeholder Ecosystem to Drive Place-Sourced Economic Development by Beatrice Ungard and Ben Haggard, 2021. Download PDF
Leadership Paradigms: Why Some Soar While Others Struggle by Ben Haggard and Max Shkud, October 2020
Whole Systems Economic Development: A Regenerative Approach by Ben Haggard and Beatrice Ungard, August 2020. Download PDF
The Regenerative Economic Shaper: A Framework for Architecting the Next Economy by Carol Sanford and Ben Haggard with the Regenerative Economy Collaborative, June 2020. Download PDF
What Makes a Network Regenerative? by Beatrice Ungard. Presentation at Regen18 published on LinkedIn, May 2018.
Creating Regenerative Processes: An excerpt from the book Regenerative Development and Design: A Framework for Evolving Sustainability by Pamela Mang and Ben Haggard., March 2018.
Leadership in Living Systems by Joel Glanzberg. The Regenerative Development Blog, March 2018
Regenerative Development: The Only Viable Response to Climate Change by Shannon Murphy and Bill Reed. The Regenerative Development Blog, November 2017.
How Can We Bring A Regenerative Approach to Our Energy Systems? by Ben Haggard. Futures Center, June 2017
How Would Nature Think? by Shannon Murphy. Futures Center, May 2017
Working Regeneratively Across Scales by Beatrice Ungard (née Benne) and Pamela Mang. Journal of Cleaner Production, December 2015
The Nature of Positive by Pamela Mang and Bill Reed. Building Research & Information, April 2014.
Regenerative Development and Design, by Pamela Mang and Bill Reed. Springer Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, 2012.
Designing from place: A regenerative framework and methodology by Pamela Mang and Bill Reed. Building Research & Information, December 2011.
The Rediscovery of Place and Our Human Role Within It by Nicholas Mang. Doctoral dissertation, 2009.
A Leadership Case Study of Curitiba, Brazil by Nicholas Mang. Doctoral work, 2009.
Shifting from Sustainability to Regeneration, by Bill Reed. Building Research & Information, 2007.
A Living Systems Approach to Design, by Bill Reed. Theme Keynote Address at AIA National Convention, May 2007.
Leaf Litter Talks with Pamela Mang, interview. Biohabitats Leaf Litter newsletter, Spring 2006.
Regenerative Development by Ben Haggard, Bill Reed, and Pamela Mang. Revitalization Magazine, 2005.
What is Education For? by Pamela Mang. Independent School Magazine, Spring 2005.
Green to the Power of Three by Ben Haggard. Environmental Design & Construction, March/April 2002.
Regenerative Design: Sustainable design’s coming revolution by Pamela Mang. Design Intelligence, July 2001.
The Next Step: Transforming the building industry to model nature by Ben Haggard. Hope Dance, 2000.
Patterning as Process by Tim Murphy and Vicki Marvick. Permaculture Activist, 1998.
Lectures, Presentations & Videos
Working With The Potential of Life: Regenerative Development & Design with Bill Reed for American Imagination 2023.
Regenerative Insights: 100 Series. Four-session online course with Joel Glanzberg and Bill Reed for Build It Green. 2021.
Regenerative Development & Design by Bill Reed for Soprema Canada online summit. 2021.
Intro to Regenerative Development with Ben Haggard and Beatrice Ungard for Instituto de Desenvolvimento Regenerativo. 2020.
Systems do Change: Water Resilience in Mexico City. With Ben Haggard and Delfin Montañana for the School of System Change. 2020.
The Regenerative Community by Joel Glanzberg for Creative Mornings Santa Fe. 2018.
Reaching for Regeneration by Ben Haggard at Alliance for Sustainable Colorado. 2017.
Regenerative Development. Five-part video series by Regenesis. 2017.
Story of Place. Three short videos featuring members of Regenesis. 2016.
The Regenerates. Featuring members of Regenesis. 2015.
Sustainability Snack: From Sustainable to Regenerative Design Featuring a framework developed by Regenesis. 2015.
Regeneration: The Architect’s Role in the Anthropocene by Bill Reed at AKF Institute. 2015.
Regeneration: An Approach to Sustainable Building by Bill Reed at Williams College. 2011.
From Sustainability to Regeneration: Whole and Living System Design by Bill Reed at Pittsburgh Green Building Alliance’s Green, Healthy Schools conference. 2010.
Interviews & Conversations
How To Create Frameworks for Living Systems Approaches to Life, Work and Transformation – A conversation with Ben Haggard on the Better World Leaders podcast. 2024.
Unleashing The Power of Regenerative Thinking – A conversation with Bill Reed and Menno Lammers on iMpact Podcast
Coming Home to Place – A conversation between regenerative practitioners Jenny Andersson, Josie Warden and Daniel Christian Wahl and our faculty member Pamela Mang, hosted by the Royal Society of Arts. 2023.
Regenerating Life by Design: A conversation with Chrissna du Plessis and Bill Reed on the Ecogradia podcast. 2023.
Living Design Process and the Tetrad of Regenerative Development with Pamela Mang and Dan Palmer. 2022.
Cosmic Aikido: Pamela Mang and Joel Glanzberg on Regenerative Development. A conversation with Joel Krieger on the Outside In podcast. 2022.
The Regenerative Practitioner with Pamela Mang and Neal Collins on the Regenerative Real Estate podcast. 2021.
Pattern Mind with Joel Glanzberg and Morag Gamble on the Sensemaking in a Changing World podcast. 2021.
Regenerative Practice with Bill Reed, Lauren Staniec and Jodi Smits Anderson on the Subject to Change podcast. 2021.
Interplay with Ben Haggard and René Vögtli on the RTalk podcast. 2021
Pattern Mind. A conversation with Joel Glanzberg on the Future Primitive podcast. 2020.
Setting a Field for Potential to Manifest. Regeneration Rising! Conversation with Pamela Mang and Daniel Christian Wahl. 2020.
Video | Article
Deepening into Regenerative Practice. Regeneration Rising! Conversation with Bill Reed and Daniel Christian Wahl. 2020.
Video | Article
Pattern Design Out of Time and Space. Regeneration Rising! Conversation with Joel Glanzberg and Daniel Christian Wahl. 2020.
Video | Article
Building Capacity for Thinking & Working with Place at A Cultural Scale. Regeneration Rising! Conversation with Ben Haggard and Daniel Christian Wahl. 2020.
Bill Reed: Staying in the Game of Evolution. Conversation with Dan Palmer on the Making Permaculture Stronger podcast. 2020.
Joel Glanzberg on Working to Regenerate Whole Systems. Conversation with Dan Palmer on the Making Permaculture Stronger podcast. 2020.
Connectle Con: Regenerative Communities. A conversation with Michelle Holliday, Ben Haggard, Jodie Harburt, and Servane Mouazan. 2020.
Ben Haggard on Potential and Development in Permaculture and Beyond. Conversation with Dan Palmer on the Making Permaculture Stronger podcast. 2019.
Joel Glanzberg on Permaculture’s Potential to Serve Life. Conversation with Dan Palmer on the Making Permaculture Stronger podcast. 2018.
Living Systems Design, with Pamela Mang and Ben Haggard. Conversation on the Stranova podcast. 2005.
We have compiled a bibliography of published works that have provided inspiration to us over the years and that, together, offer an introduction to the thinking behind regenerative development as both a concept and an approach. You can download the bibliography as a PDF here.