It’s time for humanity to develop the capability to regenerate life on earth
The Regenesis Institute for Regenerative Practice offers transformational programs and support systems for practitioners working to create regenerative systems change. Our global community is striving to bring human activities back into alignment with the ecological systems that source us.
transforming the way humans inhabit the earth
Our approach, regenerative development, asks us to fully understand the complexity of living systems and design approaches that honor that complexity. We formed Regenesis Institute to provide capability development and support to those who are called to this path.

Our programs cover living systems thinking, understanding the uniqueness of place, leveraging nodal interventions for regenerative change, and beyond. Learners begin their journey with our flagship course, The Regenerative Practitioner Series, which creates a shared experience of the shifts in how we think and work that underlie a regenerative approach.
Nature doesn’t need our protection, she needs our collaboration
For nearly 30 years, Regenesis has played an integral role in shaping the global conversation on regeneration. Our community of practitioners continues to evolve and advance this transformative living-systems approach worldwide.