The Regenerative Practitioner Series


General Materials

These materials were sent to you over email as part of the ramp-up to the series. They are provided here as downloadable PDFs for easy access.


  • The Welcome Packet contains information about the course textbook and reading materials, as well as the questionnaire and use of materials acknowledgement we asked you to complete.
  • The Orientation Packet contains an overview of how we’ll be working together in the series (including both information about the course structure and a description of our pedagogical philosophy and approach) as well as information about the Course Assignment, Study Cohort Guidelines, and a contact list for course personnel.
  • Your Project Information Form is available to fill out online. We expect one form per Study Cohort, but you may also elect to do the Course Assignment as an individual in which case you would fill out your own form. The form is due on August 16.
  • If you need to find the contact information for your study cohort and/or faculty resource, please refer to the Study Cohort Assignments document

Accessing The Sessions

The videoconference sessions are hosted on Zoom. You can easily join the sessions by clicking the access link in the reminder email we send you before each session. The link is also available on each session’s materials page. 

The access link is the same for all sessions. If you have not used Zoom before, give yourself a few extra minutes for the free software to download and install automatically the first time you click the access link (or if you prefer, you can install it manually). If you have trouble with the access link, or you need to access the sessions another way (for example, by telephone), here is the information that you’ll need for all sessions:

Gathering for The Intensive

The series Intensive will be held in an Austin-area location on November 1-4, 2018. We will meet for dinner from 6:00 – 8:30 pm on Thursday, and all day (9 am to 5 pm) Friday through Sunday. We’ll be posting more information here as it becomes available.

Session Materials

Go to this outline to access the content for each videoconference session, including preparatory readings, exercises, and video recordings.

Meet Your Cohort

NEW! View the profiles of the members of your Austin TRP cohort. And if you haven’t yet, [profile url=”profile/edit/group/1/” text=”set up your own profile”].


Have A Question?

Michael Gatto, your faculty liaison, is your primary point of contact for information about the Course Assignment, study cohort logistics, and accessing course materials, as well as for getting information to faculty

Technical Issue?

Contact your course registrar to get help accessing materials and sessions, and to report website bugs.